Flowers Flourishing

In April flowers are rushing to bloom as if they are waiting for cherry blossoms falling.
When it becomes warmer after rain, the blooming speed is getting quicker, so I sometimes
miss the best timing to take a shot.
(It may take a time to get full images. Sorry for your inconvenience)

Tree peony("Botan")

A Japanese adage says "standing like "Shakuyaku" (peony root), sitting like "Botan" (tree peony)" to admire a beautiful woman.
Tree peony is Queen of flowers in April and China.
In Tang dynasty in China people loved to plant peonies in their gardens. The successful candidates for high-rank position of bureaucrats could visit and look the flowers from the horse-back. (What ashamed to enter other's garden by horse rid!)
(Akatsutsumi, Setagaya-ku, Saifukuji-temple)
For more peonies, click here.

<--"Kodemari" (small)
"Ohdemari "(large)-->
("Mari" means a ball)
(Sakurajosui, Setagaya-ku)
Other kind of spirea 


Originally the color is violet, but recently yellow one is popular for gardening.

(Ohkura, Setagaya-ku)
  Azalea ("Shakunage")

Englishmen love to have azalea in their gardens, and Japanese too. There are lots of species of azalea as below.
(Matsubara, Setagaya-ku)

More azalea image, click here!
Azalea ("Tsutsuji")

This kind of azalea is planted along the road in many cities because of strength against car exhaust.
Purple flower is called "Ohmurasaki" and both pink and white one are "Ryukyu tsutsuji".
'Sakurajosui, Setagaya-ku)

This flower blooms in May
that is called "Satsuki" in Japanese.
Satsuki is smaller than tsutsuji and grow thickly.
(Kyodo, Setagaya-ku)


The above Japanese adage continues as "walking like wisteria", which analogizes the swing of waist of a woman when the flower sways in the breeze.
(Akatsutsumi, Setagaya-ku)
Wisteria belongs in leguminous plants.
Other pea flowers are

Green pea("Endow")

Broad bean("Soramame")

While there remains lots of other flowers like magnolia and peach to show, since the more image may pose a burden for guests with dial-up access I am sorry to finish loading pictures.
If you have a time, please click here.(Sorry in Japanese)

Finally I will show you three rare flowers.
Olive family. "Nanja-monja" means "what is this?" and "monja" is "mu, mu, ....(I do not know)
(Akatsutsumi, Setagaya-ku)
It makes an edible fruit in autumn.The vine is used to make a basket to carry gift for emperor in old days.
(Kinuta, Setagaya-ku)
When I was a child, I used to make a fly flapper by knitting the leaves.

(Kinuta, Setagaya-ku)

Now it comes May with fragrant breeze!

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