Marketing Research & Solution@Insite Research

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Corporate Profile


Insite Research Co., Ltd.


Hidekazu Matsunaga

Line of Service

  • Consultation and implementation of marketing research
  • Data analysis
  • Information collection and analysis
  • Translation and interpretation
    (English, German, French, Chinese and Japanese)

May 22nd, 2002


10 million yen (vested 40 million yen)

Main bank

SMBC Roppongi Branch
UFJ Bank Higashimatsubara branch


1-A Hills Aoyama, 1-14-7 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0062@
Phone: 03-3423-8071 (from abroad +813-03-3423-8071)
Fax: 03-03-3423-8072 (from abroad +813-03-3423-8072)
Mobile: 080-5455-8480 (from abroad +8180-5455-8480)

Curriculum Vitae
March 1973 Graduated Kyoto Univ. Literature Faculty.
April 1973 Joined AIU. Assigned to Production Planning Dept. after initial training
1974 to 1976 Involved in preparing sales manual for tie-up product with Daido Life. Engaged in planning of sales campaigns and branch opening.
1976 to 1977 Moved to Personal Accident (PA) insurance dept. Worked for underwriting and brochure making. Created catastrophic loss reinsurance system.
1977 to 1979 Stationed at Osaka branch as a PA underwriting supervisor. Developed PA sales methods as an alternative of Workers Compensation and nursery PA program, which became nationwide program of AIU
1980 to 1982 Promoted to PA production supervisor in Chubu HQ. Managed PA production in six offices, where disseminated sales methods developed in Osaka.
1983 Selected as a member of 21st Insurance School of Pacific iISPj and moved Metro 2nd HQ to take a pre-seminar. Took insurance seminar in San Francisco and other US cities for three months. After returning home, moved to PA Production Dept. and engaged in production administration.
1984 to 1987 Involved in new market development in addition to PA production management. Planned and implemented "US-Japan high school students dispatch program" with auspice of Tokyo Metropolitan government and New York city government. In August 1987 leading the group as a head and implemented various events in New York City and other east coast cities.
1987 to 1991 Promoted to head of Market Development Office and succeeded to create some new markets and to launch new businesses in which included establishment of a new insurance company tied with JTB, establishment of telephone-based health consulting company and establishment of a high-grade membership health check-up facility tied with a large-sized trading company.
1991 to 1997 Appointed head of Management Research Office, later Information Research Office, and collected and analyzed management information for long-term strategic plan and re-engineering project. Played central roles in collecting and analyzing industrial information and statistic through US-Japan Insurance Talk. Also conducted some marketing research projects including customer satisfaction of claim service and new product development.
1997 to 2002 Moved to Marketing Research Office and conducted lots of marketing research projects for AIG companies.
2002 Retired in March and established Insite Research Co. Ltd. to assume a representative.
Participating Associations
Japan Marketing Research Association
Behavioral Metrics Association of Japan
Financial Marketing Association
Rotary Club of Tokyo Akasaka
New Product Development using Conjoint Analysis "Financial Marketing" edited by Prof. Asano and Prof. Kijima Asakura shoten 2000
Discussion "Talk-in Research in 21st Century" Japan Marketing Research Assn. "Marketing Researcher" vol. 88,iFeb. 2001j
Requests from Global Companies to Researcher in Japan, Japan Marketing Research Assn. "Marketing Researcher" vol. 90,iJan. 2002j

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